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SWEet Mates

SWEet Mates is a one-on-one mentorship program for new SWE member who will be paired with a mentor in a major and activities they are interested in. There are events throughout the school year for mentors and mentees to bond and have fun!

Some of the benefits include:

  • Getting to work with an upperclassman in your field

  • Learning about campus and the tricks of the trade of engineering school

  • Having a buddy to attend SWE events with

  • Earning SWE points!

Below is some fun SWEet Mates had making snowglobes!

1301 Beal Avenue 
1226 EECS Building, Cubicle F 
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1226 

Call:  734-763-5027

Monday - Fridays

9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Closed May - August

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© Society of Women Engineers, University of Michigan 

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